Principal Investigator

Praveen VemulaDr. Vemula obtained masters (M.Sc., Org. Chem.) degree from Osmania University, Hyderabad and Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in Organic Chemistry (2005). Subsequently he carried out over two years postdoctoral research at the City College of New York and over four years at Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology in Harvard Medical School in affiliation with Brigham and Women's Hospital. In 2009, he was selected as one of the thirteen fellows in the USA for the prestigious postdoctoral entrepreneur fellowship from the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, where he received exposure to entrepreneurial education and closely worked with the foundation to commercialize the biomedical technologies. 

Dr. Vemula's research interests are in the fields of drug discovery and  drug delivery through biomaterials and translation science. He is an Assistant Investigator at the Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (inStem), Bangalore. Several technologies developed by his team have formed the foundation for multiple products on the market and currently under development and for the launch of Seven startup companies including, Sepio Health, Artus Therapeutics, Color Threads, NeeDel Innovations, CaptureBio, Skintifique and Alivio Therapeutics. 

His laboratory has been funded by multiple foundations, companies, and governmental funding agencies including Artus Therapeutics, Manus Biosciences, Department of Defence, USA, the Lady Tata Memorial Trust, the Department of Biotechnology, Department of Science and Technology, BIRAC (Biotechnology Industry Research Assistant Council), Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB).

Vemula’s work has been discussed in hundreds of newspapers, online websites, television newscasts, and radio shows around the world including The New York Times, CNN, ABC News, NBC, Boston Globe, LA Times, BBC, Discovery, National Geographic, The Hindu, The Times of India, Deccan Herald and many more.

At present, Vemula’s lab is focusing to develop biomaterials and bioengineering concepts to solve huge unmet clinical needs including protection of transplanted organs, developing therapeutics for inflammatory/infectious diseases and prevention of pesticide-induced lethality.

More about my research vision and our lab philosophy can be read here: An interview with Praveen Vemula by  Anusha

- National Biotechnology Innovation Award 2023 (Dept. of Biotechnology, Govt. of India)

- Biotech Product, Process Development and Commercialisation Award 2020 (Dept. of Biotechnology, Govt. of India)


G-fab technology: Antiviral mask/fabric - a conversation with QtSTEAM team


TEDx at KIITUniversity  March 2019

TEDx at Siddaganga Institute of Technology  2019

An interview about STEAM education with Santosh Avvannavar, QtPi Robotics  2019





praveenv AT

Praveen Kumar Vemula

Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (inStem)

UAS-GKVK Campus, Bellary Road

Bangalore 560065

Ph: +91-80-67176395


Awards, Fellowships and Academic Service (selective) 

  2017  - present,  An Associate Editor, Bulletin of Materials Science (Springer and Indian Academy of Sciences)
  2015  - 2017,  An Associate Editor, RSC Advances (Royal Society of Chemistry)
  2012   Ramalingaswami ReEntry Fellowship 2011-12 by Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India
  2011   Excellence in Research Award, Fall 2011 awards, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Med. Sch.
  2010   MIT $100K Business Plan Competition finalist, and runner-up, May 2010
            Track Winner ($20,000, Product and Services) at MIT $100K Business Plan Competition, 2010.
  2009    Kauffman Foundation Entrepreneur Postdoctoral Fellow
            (One of the thirteen recipients in USA for cross-disciplinary fellowship)
  2006   Best cover page of the year-2006, Royal Society of Chemistry Journal Soft Matter

Apart from science, badminton is my passion. I just love that game! 
(Disclaimer: The quality of the game is not necessarily proportional to the level of passion!!!)